Square Pegs
August 2, 2015

Square Pegs

Passage: Jeremiah 29:4-13

Los Angeles is easy to love, but she does not make it easy to stay. She is economically challenging. She is isolating. However, Los Angeles has so much to offer. Los Angeles is also challenging for those wanting to build a healthy, spiritual life. It may tempt some to hide their spiritual experiences and habits. It may tempt some to behave no differently than the culture. For Christians, specifically, we might secretly hope God makes it simpler, easier to exist and make a difference. Another place people run away — especially Bible people, Christians when life isn't working out, when the pieces don't fit is in Scriptures things we believe God's already said about life. One of the most popular ones you'll here is a statement recorded by the Jewish prophet Jeremiah on behalf of God in Jeremiah 29:11.