Broader Reach
September 18, 2016

Broader Reach

Passage: Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 11:19-26, 13:1-3

The leadership has been praying and communally discerning a new 5-year vision of New City. After about a year of discernment, we believe that the Holy Spirit has spoken. Here is the Vision 2020, a new 5-year vision of New City:

Deeper Roots, Broader Reach:

  • Putting down deep roots in the downtown parish
  • Reaching LA by planting 3-5 parishes in the next five years.

Kevin shared the vision of Broader Reach, planting 3-5 parishes in the next 5 years. He answered the following questions: (1) Why church plant? (2) Why the parish incubator model? (3) Why South San Fernando Valley? (4) How is this going to happen? (5) How can I get involved? (The answers to these questions are also available online in
