The third entry point into the great Gospel Story of Jesus is “Restoration.” We call this the “Forward-Back Kingdom” because our hope for the future restoration of God’s world transforms…

Imitating Agape

October 4, 2015
Discover a relationship with God through love. Gain a deeper understanding of the power of God's love along with the knowledge of how to apply it to our daily lives.…
Although this parable is often called the “parable of the prodigal son,” that is a misnomer. It is not just about the younger son. It is about two sons—the younger…
This Sunday, we started a new series entitled, The Third Way. There are so many people who are turned off by the church. Many see liberal churches as inclusive but…

R.E.M. of the Soul

September 13, 2015
We all have the problem of being weary and burdened. Life is hard. We face all kinds of difficulties. But, it’s not just our circumstances. There is a restlessness in…
This week, we will be concluding "Seeking the New City" where our passage concludes, with the Resurrection! The author of Hebrews brilliantly leads the Church through this paradigm of faith…

Change Me

August 23, 2015
Senior Pastor Michael Lee from Young Nak Celebration Church here in LA will be offering us the Sunday's message he has entitled "Change Me" based in Mark 2:1-5. Pastor Lee…

Voice and Touch

August 16, 2015
Dr. Mark Labberton, President of Fuller Theological Seminary will be offering us the Sunday's message he has entitled "Voice and Touch" based in Matthew 7:24-8:13. Dr. Labberton brings to his messages a deep awareness of the urgency…
Like Abraham and his family, the Church is called on a journey of faith, out of Ur and into the Promised Land. Yet, even in the Promised Land, Abraham and…

Square Pegs

August 2, 2015
Los Angeles is easy to love, but she does not make it easy to stay. She is economically challenging. She is isolating. However, Los Angeles has so much to offer.…
The story begins in the book of Judges, where we learn that the People of God are struggling to be faithful to God. Like many of us God had a…

Why Worship?

July 19, 2015
What is worship, how we worship together, and why we worship together. Worship is the act of ascribing ultimate value or worth to something in a way that energizes or…
This is a series that explores a passage from a famous chapter in the book of Hebrews: chapter 11, which is sometimes called the “Hall of Faith,” because it highlights…
This past week we have looked into our soul as a nation and even as a church and we have found that there is an ugliness there seeking to divide…
Othering/otherizing = To make or regard (a person, social group, etc.) as different; separate from “our”; any action by which an individual or group becomes mentally classified as “not one…
Othering/otherizing = To make or regard (a person, social group, etc.) as different; separate from “our”; any action by which an individual or group becomes mentally classified as “not one…
In part 2 of the ‘Seeking the New City’ sermon series, the themes of Belonging and Hope were highlighted. Abraham’s family didn’t feel at home in this world; they belonged…


June 7, 2015
Today we are going to look at the introduction to the Sermon on the Mount, commonly know as "The Beatitudes". They are universally acknowledged to be among the highest expressions…
The story of quail in Numbers 11 teaches us about the human condition that we have desires, we need security, and we easily forget God. This story reminds us, however,…
Hebrews 11:8-19 is about the life of Abraham and his family. God called Abraham to leave his familiar homeland and to journey to a land God would show him. Trusting…
What I want to do today is to give you a sense of where we are now—sort of give you a state of the church. So, the title of the…
Jesus is the King of God’s Kingdom. His Kingdom turns the world right side up, reversing injustice, bringing peace and unity. John saw a glimpse of the fulfillment of the…
We think of Judas as the ultimate evil. His name is virtually synonymous with betrayal. After all, he did betray the Son of God for 30 pieces of silver. But,…