Reconciling with Our Past
May 3, 2015

Reconciling with Our Past

Passage: John 21:1-19

The story of Peter’s restoration is the story of our restoration. At the Last Supper, Peter confidently declared that even if all of the other disciples fell away, he would never fall away. He was confident about his ability to love Jesus self-sacrificially. He declared that he would die for Jesus. But, he did fall away. He not only denied Jesus, he called down curses and swore that he didn’t know Jesus.
Like Peter, we have all done or said things we thought we would never do or say. And we regret some things we have done or said. How did Jesus restore Peter? How can Jesus restore us?
We note three things from the story: (1) Jesus led Peter to confront his past and examine his sins and repent; (2) Jesus completely embraced him and restored him to ministry; and (3) Jesus led him to stay humble.