Sex, Money, and Jezebel
April 17, 2016

Sex, Money, and Jezebel

Passage: Revelation 2:18-29

Revelation was written to show us that reality is more than what we see with our eyes. That’s the thesis of the book: things are not as they seem. This book unveils the reality not just of the future, but also of the present. Seeing this unveiled reality helps us to be faithful during hard times. Today, we are studying the message of Jesus to the church in Thyatira. Thyatira was a working-class city with a lot of trade guilds. The guilds had patron deities, and guild members were expected to worship, offer sacrifices, and eat meat sacrificed to these pagan idols, and engage in sexual activities. That’s the way the world was at that time for these people. So, Christians faced a dilemma: If you didn’t join the guild and go with the flow, it was impossible to climb the social and economic ladder. Jesus commended the church in Thyatira for their deeds, love and faith, service and perseverance, but Jesus chastised the church for tolerating a person whom he called Jezebel, who led some people to engage in idolatry by participating in the trade guilds and sexual immorality. This faction argued that one could follow Jesus and engage in an idolatrous pagan lifestyle. However, Jesus was clear: repent or face the consequences of the idolatry. An idol is not just a stone god. It is anything we make equal to or above God. Kevin shared in depth about two kinds of idolatries involved in the passage: money and sex, and God’s call to repent of our idols and worship God alone and see the unveiled reality of Jesus in our lives.

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