Why Did the Owner Commend the Dishonest Manager?
January 29, 2017

Why Did the Owner Commend the Dishonest Manager?

Passage: Luke 16:1-13

Jesus told a parable about a dishonest manager who was about to be fired; he used his master’s resources to make friends for himself so that when he got fired from his job, he would be welcomed into their homes.   The parable has a surprise ending: the master commends the dishonest manager. Then, Jesus said:  “I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” The big idea is that we are called to use the worldly wealth he has entrusted to us to build the Kingdom of God. More specifically, this parable teaches us that (1) everything we have is God’s, not ours; it’s not just the 10% that is God’s; 100% is God’s and we are his managers; (2) God calls us to use 100% of those resources to build his kingdom; and (3) God calls us to faithfully give to the church to build his kingdom.

The power to live like this comes from walking hand in hand with Christ, who gave up his riches and became poor so that we can be rich in him.

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