Moms Seeking Jesus

Moms Seeking Jesus is a group of moms supporting one another through spiritual practices, sharing, and prayer. They meet on Zoom on Sunday evenings. For more information, contact


Fathers’ Group

Fathers Group is a group of fathers meeting from time to time to support one another. For more information, contact


Women’s Group

Women’s Group meets from time to time to learn and fellowship together. For more information, contact


Cycling Group

The cycling group goes on bicycle rides together. Contact


NCC Board/Card Game Group

Interested in playing board and card games? We meet every other Tuesday night for a fun night of games! Join us, and bring your favorite games! Email Jared to join!

Hiking Group


Do you enjoy Hiking? Well, many people in New City love hiking, and you should also be part of it! Contact to join our team!


NCC Ballers

If basketball is your thing, this is the right group for you! We have various people who love to play basketball! Wet together monthly to fellowship and have fun together! If you are interested, please contact