Dear New City Community, 

The Lead Pastor Nominating Committee (LPNC) understands the importance of communication and have created this webpage to help keep the congregation informed on the progress. This is a new journey for NCC, and we appreciate your support in this transition.


What is the LPNC?

The Lead Pastor Nominating Committee is charged with the following key roles:

  1. Gather feedback from the church & make recommendations to the Elder Board regarding the “Lead Pastor Search Framework”
    1. What we are committed to in the future as a church
    2. Requirements and What we are looking for in a new lead pastor
  2. Design and execute the Lead Pastor search & nomination process, including:
    1. Determining what the search & application process will look like
    2. Running the search & application process (e.g. reviewing applications, interviewing candidates, etc.)
    3. Recommending candidate(s) to the Elder Board to vote on the nomination; if nominated by the Elder Board, goes to church for confirmation (80% vote to pass); our bylaws determine this process. 
  3. Ensure a clear, transparent, and prayerful process, keeping the church updated frequently, praying for the church and the process, and including the church body in the process


LPNC Milestones

  • Listening Sessions – DONE
  • Listening Sessions Review – DONE
  • Research Lessons from Other Search Committees DONE
  • Write The Framework DONE
  • Write Job Description DONE
  • Build Pastor Hiring Page – DONE
  • Build Applicant Tracking System – DONE
  • Round 1: Phone ScreeningDONE
  • Round 2: Theological QuestionnaireDONE
  • Round 3: Zoom Interviews – IN PROGRESS


LPNC Updates 

  • 2024 January: 23 candidates completed applications
    • Qualified applicants to a pool of males and females, which includes people of color
  • 2024 February: 11 candidates completed phone screens
  • 2024 March: 8 candidates completed theological questionnaires


How can you help?

As a committee, we also ask that you keep us in prayer.  Specifically for:

  1. Asking the right questions:  As we prepare interview questions for the fourth phase of interviews, which will be in-person; we want to be able to ask the right questions to discern well.
  2. Clarity: That we as a committee would have clarity from God during this time. Pray that each individual committee member continue to connect with God deeply during this time.


How to Contact the LPNC?

LPNC wants to continue listening to you. We understand that this transition may be challenging for many of you. Therefore, we encourage you to contact any of the LPNC members if you have any questions or concerns. You can contact us either individually or by email at


Thank you,

Kristen Kruger Byler (Committee Chair)

Pamela Roper (Committee Vice-Chair)

Connie Diaz 

Morghan Mumford

Michael Rarela

David Forster

Vanessa Padilla

Becca Stark

Kurt Schemper

Philip Bell

Jenny Broca