Morghan was raised in France in a missionary family and encountered Christ at a young age. She returned to the US for college in 2014 and met her wife, Shannon, while leading a Christian international student group. During that time, Morghan dove deeper into Scripture to reconcile her faith, identity, and the arc of God’s story. In 2021, shortly after Morghan moved to Los Angeles, she and Shannon began attending New City. Impacted by New City’s commitment to acceptance and unity in diversity, they integrated the SFV Grow & Serve group and became members in 2022. Currently, Morghan serves on New City’s worship team and the Lead Pastor Nominating Committee. Morghan is an English instructor at a language college and enjoys applying her academic background in international relations to build connections with others. Morghan and Shannon married in 2024 and feel grateful to have found their church home at New City.