Sunday 10:00 AM Los Angeles Theatre Center (LATC) at 514 S. Spring St., Los Angeles CA 90013
All are welcome!  Parking is validated (suggested donation is $5; but free to newcomers and visitors) if you park at Los Angeles Garage Associate Parking on 6th and Main St.

Nursery and Pre-School

Sunday 10:00 AM Nursery at LATC, Down the Stairs
This is our nursery for babies.  Go down the stairs from the lobby.

Elementary and Middle School

Sunday 10:00 AM Please check in on the 4th floor of LATC (Take the Elevator)
They join the adults for the worship service until sermon time when they are excused to attend age-appropriate group time.

Youth Group (9th Grade-12th Grade)

Sunday 10:00 AM Youth join the adults for 10 am worship; then, just before the sermon, they walk to the class together.
They join the adults for the worship service until sermon time, when they are excused to attend the Youth Bible Study Group.