In order to understand what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit, we have to first understand what it means to live by the Spirit. The Bible explains…

Cross vs. Sword

November 8, 2015
What were the politics of Jesus? Was he a liberal or a conservative? Would he be a Republican or a Democrat? When certain religious leaders, who were trying to trap…
In this series on the Gospel “Third Way,” we’re contending at least two things: First, today, all across the United States, people are polarized. Even churches are polarized! Many in…
During a special service at Club Nokia, Pastor Kevin explained why Christians can be obnoxious and offensive when we share the gospel. "I sometimes hear obnoxious Christian talking as though…

Deep Justice

October 18, 2015
There is a split among liberal and conservative churches: liberal churches tend focus on social justice and conservative churches tend to focus on personal piety. The gospel—the good news that…
The third entry point into the great Gospel Story of Jesus is “Restoration.” We call this the “Forward-Back Kingdom” because our hope for the future restoration of God’s world transforms…
Although this parable is often called the “parable of the prodigal son,” that is a misnomer. It is not just about the younger son. It is about two sons—the younger…
This Sunday, we started a new series entitled, The Third Way. There are so many people who are turned off by the church. Many see liberal churches as inclusive but…