(David) How Could Such a Good Man Mess Up So Bad?
March 10, 2013

(David) How Could Such a Good Man Mess Up So Bad?

Passage: 2 Samuel 11

David coveted Bathsheba, the wife of his loyal soldier, committed adultery with her, murdered her husband, and lied to cover it up. This is the same David that loved God, the same David that wrote Psalm 23, that the Lord is his shepherd, the same David that danced in God's presence. What happened? How could such a good man mess up so bad? This story and other stories of our biblical heroes messing up show us that we are all capable of doing this. We all have a seed that has the potential of growing into a terrible sin. Many of us don't want to think that we are capable of something like this. Why is it important to acknowledge this potential?

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