Kingdom of God, Holy Spirit, Miracles, and Evil Spirits
June 6, 2012

Kingdom of God, Holy Spirit, Miracles, and Evil Spirits

Passage: Various Passages

In Ephesus, as Paul preached the Kingdom of God, the coming of the Kingdom of God resulted in the filling of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, prophesying, healing, and defeating demonic forces. The power came down so powerfully that it changed the entire city.

What is Kingdom of God? Kingdom of God is God’s reign and rule. Since the fall of humanity, the world has been under the control of the Satan, and messed up the world. All suffering came in because of demonic forces. But, with Jesus came the Kingdom of God, the dominion and the reign of God, and invaded earth. The Light has entered darkness. That is why when Jesus came, he brought forgiveness, healing, and freedom from demonic forces.

How do we usher in the Kingdom of God? (1) By repentance and faith in the finished work on the cross; (2) by learning more about the Kingdom; (3) by living in freedom; and (4) by living for the mission of the Kingdom.