R.E.M. of the Soul
September 13, 2015

R.E.M. of the Soul

Passage: Matthew 11:28-30

We all have the problem of being weary and burdened. Life is hard. We face all kinds of difficulties. But, it’s not just our circumstances. There is a restlessness in all of us. We need an R.E.M. of our souls, a deep rest of our souls. How do we get that deep rest?The wrong way to get it is to put on the yoke of the law, seeking to obey the law in order to find rest for our souls. But, while doing so, we continue to be trapped in the heavy yoke of the law. There is no rest for the soul.Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” The yoke of Jesus is: (1) a yoke of grace and unconditional love; and (2) a yoke of spiritual practice that helps us develop intimacy with Jesus.