Becoming What We Behold: The Transforming Power of Worship
May 8, 2016

Becoming What We Behold: The Transforming Power of Worship

Passage: Revelation 4

Most of us go through life unaware that we are being moved by a vision of 'the Good Life,' because that vision is formed in our imaginations by the subtle yet powerful cultural practices in which we participate every day. The desires of our hearts are formed by this vision and along with it our sense of identity and purpose.

In Revelation chapter 4, the Spirit and John of Patmos put before God's people a radical vision designed to capture, convert, baptize, and sanctify our imaginations. It is the Counter-Story of God's Kingdom to the story of the Roman empire and the allure of the false gods (idols) of power, pleasure, and wealth. This Counter-Story of God’s Kingdom teaches us: 1) God Alone is the Center of Authority; 2) God Alone is the Covenant-keeping One; 3) God Alone is the Creator and Sustainer of the world.

Through worship, God is restoring in us the “image of God,” our vocation as human beings. As we “become what we behold,” we: 1) Reflect the Multi-Colored Light of God’s Glory; 2) Reflect the Loving Reign of God into Creation; 3) Reflect Christ’s Humility and Servanthood Out of Gratitude for God’s Mercy and Grace.

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