Emmanuel Prayer
January 31, 2016

Emmanuel Prayer

Passage: 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Many of us walk around with emotional hurts and pains. Sometimes they can be debilitating. They can be caused by many things. Sometimes we experience deep depression due to a physical cause like a chemical imbalance. Sometimes our emotional hurts are caused by a relational breakdown. Sometimes they are caused by something someone did to us (like abuse, abandonment, offensive words) or something we did (guilt).

How do we respond to our emotional pain? The wrong way to respond is by (1) denying
or hiding it; (2) numbing it by alcohol, drugs, eating, sleeping, or whatever it takes to forget; or (3) thinking about it with vengeance, anger, resentment, or hate.

The right way to respond is to bring the pain to Jesus. How do we do this practically?
Kevin shared about Emmanuel Prayer and Journaling to help us experience and see Jesus in our past, present, and future, which helps us redeem our emotional pain by his love and grace. This is a critical form of prayer that can bring inner healing.