Following the Final Footsteps of Jesus
Today’s sermon is entitled, “Following the Final Footsteps of Jesus.”
Today’s sermon is going to be very different. I usually preach from one passage and try to dig into that passage and apply it to our lives now. There is usually a single theme that I try to preach on. Today’s sermon is not going to be like that. Rather, we are just going to walk the final footsteps of Jesus together. As many of you know, I had the privilege of going to the Holy Land a couple of years ago on a spiritual pilgrimage with a group of pastors all paid for by a foundation. I took at a lot of video footage to use in a sermon someday with you. I never did that until today. So, I will be incorporating some of those footages today. We are going to read the stories of Jesus as written in the Gospel of John from the time of his arrest, to his trial, to the crucifixion, and to the burial. And for each segment of the story, we will take a moment to contemplate on them. I will make a few comments either in person or in video from the location. Then, we will walk to the next passage. In this way, we will follow the final footsteps of Jesus.
Last week, TC preached on the prayer of Jesus. He concluded the Last Supper with his disciples with a long prayer. He prayed for himself, his disciples, and even us. Today’s passage happens after this prayer at the Last Supper.