How do We Respond to Racism in America?
May 31, 2020

How do We Respond to Racism in America?

Passage: John 1:14; 8:32; 16:13

“How Do We Respond to Racism in America?”

First, we must tell the truth of racism in America, the truth about how black men and women are treated by the police, the truth of systemic racism, the truth about the church’s complicity and participation in systemic racism, and the truth of white privilege and personal racism in our hearts. The truth must come first before reconciliation. America has never really repented of its racism. The Holy Spirit calls us to repent.

Second, we are called to reconciliation which is driven by truth and grace.  God does call us to forgive our oppressors. Yet, this does not mean we do not seek to change the root of racism. It is a call to all of us to dig deep and engage in change.
