Jesus’s Way of Revolutionary Love: Glory & Witness
February 8, 2015

Jesus’s Way of Revolutionary Love: Glory & Witness

Passage: John 13:31-38

While still in the Upper Room on the night he was betrayed, Jesus could sense that his betrayal had set in motion the events that would ultimately lead to his death and resurrection. Through this, he and God would both be glorified. Jesus knew that his story was forming the story of God’s redemption of the world. Only when we recognize that our stories are being woven into the story of God redeeming the world, can we see God glorifying Godself in us, and glorifying us in Godself. We are like mirrors that reflect the glory of God—that is our witness. Jesus gives his disciples a new command: to love one another as he has loved them. By this, God’s Revolutionary Love will be made known to everyone.