Living in Tents
This is a series that explores a passage from a famous chapter in the book of Hebrews: chapter 11, which is sometimes called the “Hall of Faith,” because it highlights figures from the Old Testament who demonstrated faith. The particular portion of chapter 11 we’re zooming in on in this series is verses 8 through 19, the portion that focuses on Abraham and his family.
Taken together, this series maps the terrain of the Christian life lived in community: Together, we’re called on a journey of faith; our hope is in the faithful Promise- maker, whose future Kingdom of shalom is breaking into the world even now; We find our truest belonging in this eschatological community called the church that points to God’s in-breaking Kingdom; As a result we “live in tents” (which we’ll explore today); we live as “aliens” and “sojourners” in this world (which we’ll explore in part 4; and we “practice resurrection” which we’ll explore in part 5.
This is the shape of our life together as a inclusive community, centered on the Good News about Jesus and his Kingdom, called to connected people to God, grow in our love for God and others, serving this city we love, and all this together extends God’s Kingdom in LA as it is in heaven.