As Paul is heartbroken and frustrated by the Galatians, God is heartbroken by (1) our tendency to go back to the basic spiritual forces of our old life; (2) our…
This passage is the zenith of the letter. Even though we were slaves to sin, God, through the redemptive work of Christ, adopted us as his children and gave us…
Paul argued vehemently that the gospel of grace is the true gospel, and adding anything to grace is a perversion of the gospel. We are righteous by grace only, not…
Some Jewish Christians taught in the Galatian churches that everyone had to observe the Mosaic Law in order to be accepted by God as approved (righteous). Paul, however, wrote this…
The life of Peter teaches us that we are all on a life-long journey to truly understand the radically inclusive meaning of the gospel of Jesus. Peter willingly accepts faith…
If you asked people now what the most divisive thing in the world is, a lot of people will answer religion. They point to terrorists who are often motivated by…
This is the left and right brain case for Christianity. Kevin shares why Christianity is intellectually credible and how it meets the deepest need of our lives.
Kevin shared the whys and hows of evangelism. Why? (1) Jesus accomplished salvation and gave us the responsibility to share that good news; (2) there is so much need to…
David coveted Bathsheba, the wife of his loyal soldier, committed adultery with her, murdered her husband, and lied to cover it up. This is the same David that loved God,…
David desperately wanted the ark of the covenant to be in the city of Jerusalem. The ark represented the reality of God's presence, and David desperately desired to live in…
How do we become free of envy? We can’t be free merely by trying to will it away because it is something in our heart. We can’t completely control our…
Today, we are going to look at the parable of the landlord and the workers in the vineyard that Jesus told intertwined with Victor Hugo’s story, Les Miserables. As some of you…
A sermon by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered by Kevin Haah
I think we often start the new year thinking about how we can improve ourselves, how much weight we can lose, how much more we are going to exercise, change our…
It’s a very ironic thing because in our day whenever you see a nativity scene in somebody’s home or in a shopping center, it always looks so neat. But in…
Jesus was saying to the Pharisees that you can’t serve both money and God. Either money is your God or God is your God. You have to make a choice.…
We are in a middle of a series called Parables of the Upside Down Kingdom. We are going to look at the parable of the unforgiving servant in a sermon entitled, The…
Jesus told a parable about a man who threw a big party. The originally invited guests made excuses and didn’t come to the party. The man was determined to fill…
This is not a parable about the prodigal son, the younger son with the elder brother as a sideshow. It is a parable about two sons, both of whom are messed…
An expert in the law tested Jesus by asking: what must I do to inherit eternal life? Jesus turned the question back to him. The man answered: love God with…
We are in a middle of a series called Parables of the Upside Down Kingdom. We are going through the parables of Jesus. Today’s parable is the Parable of the Shrewd Manager.…
Jesus often talked about the kingdom of heaven or kingdom of God. What I want to do today is to look at that question of (1) what is the kingdom of…
We are kicking off a new series called the Parables of the Upside Down Kingdom. Parables are stories Jesus told us to describe what the Kingdom of God is like. Remember, coming…
Our relationship with God is not just personal. We live in a very individualistic society. We think only about the individual me. We only talk about the relationship between God and me…
We looked at the Vision/Core Values of New City: To be an inclusive gospel-centered community of lovers of Jesus Christ who connect people to God, grow together, serve the city,…
We looked at the Vision/Core Values of New City: To be an inclusive gospel-centered community of lovers of Jesus Christ who connect people to God, grow together, serve the city,…