Step 12: Living on God’s Mission, Part 3 of Three Focuses of a Vibrant Christian Life
Steps 10-12 are about how to make sure we continue to grow and maintain our recovery after we are done with Steps 1-9. How do we live a vibrant Christian life in the Spirit? Step 10 focuses on continued humility. Step 11 focuses on living in a rhythm of spiritual practices. And Step 12 focuses on living on God’s mission.
Matthew 4:19 says: “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men [people].” In this passage, Jesus says to “follow me” (enter into an intimate relationship with him—Steps 1-3) “and I will make you” (enter into a process of being transformed to be like Jesus—Steps 4-11) “fishers of men” (he gives us a mission that’s about others, not just about ourselves). The call is to live on God’s mission of making disciples.