The Body of Functioning Members
September 30, 2012

The Body of Functioning Members

Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12-30

Our relationship with God is not just personal. We live in a very individualistic society. We think only about the individual me. We only talk about the relationship between God and me and what God is calling me to do, how holy I am. Everything is focus so much on personal God, personal relationship, personal religion.

But, the gospel is also communal. God became a man. The Kingdom of God came down. God came down in the person of Jesus Christ and inaugurated a new Kingdom, a new community, and he showed us an alternative way of being human, that is different than what this world has taught us. This kingdom is
manifested through the church, which he called his body. So, we are not just called to be saved and have a personal relationship with God; we are called into
this Kingdom, this upside down Kingdom.

And what I want to do today is to see in more detail what this community, this body is supposed to like.