Witnessing the Kingdom
April 15, 2018

Witnessing the Kingdom

Passage: Luke 4:41-44

In verse 43 of this passage, Jesus makes it clear that His mission on earth is to preach about the Kingdom of God. In Psalm 103:19 we can see that Jesus’ Kingdom is described as his Reign. It is more about his reign than ruling that is seen by the Romans at the time. This is why we can say that God’s Kingdom is to come and at the same time is at hand. Jesus shows us what his Kingdom will look like through his ministry on earth. We see Jesus healing many and casting out demons. This shows us how there will be no more physical suffering and evil in His reign. Also, we see how Jesus heals each person by laying hands on them as a sign of blessing and also the intimate relationship that we share and will share in the Kingdom of God. As Jesus died on the cross for us and redeemed us we can now experience his Kingdom in this world. Jesus’ reign has already begun. There is mourning and suffering in this world but we also need to acknowledge that there will be a day when Jesus will return and complete his reign in this world. Therefore the struggles that we experience until his return are real. Yet, we can live with the hope that his kingdom will come. There are many people around us that have yet to learn about the good news. There are many who live this world without this hope. In the same way that Jesus left the town to share the good news we need to take action and deliver to them this great invitation from God.
