Working Through Failure and Disappointment with Hope
September 29, 2013

Working Through Failure and Disappointment with Hope


We all fail and are disappointed with our work at some point, but its how we handle it that
will determine what happens next. First we need to look deep within ourselves to look for
things in our hearts that are opposed to God’s will for us. Our hope in this process is that
God is not condemning us. This fact should free us to humbly critique ourselves to see
where we need to change. We must take this journey in order move forward to new
opportunities in our work with out repeating the same mistakes.
Yet some of us have humbled ourselves already but find that things are just not working
out. We want a good job but cannot find one, we get fired unjustly, or we had great
expectations only find them unfulfilled. What do we do? Well God assures that he gives
life, and that nothing else can, not career, money, success, beauty…so we need to surrender
completely to his Spirit. We shall rely on his Spirit in tough times, knowing that one day all
that we did in Jesus name will be redeemed.


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