The story of Zechariah and the Christmas song that he wrote show us the true beauty of Christmas. When the angel told him that his wife in her old age…
Even though the angel came and announced to Mary that she was going to give birth to the Son of God, and even though she responded with full submission, she…

Grateful Hearts

November 30, 2014
While journeying to Jerusalem, Jesus was approached by ten lepers who asked him to have pity on them. He responded to their request with healing but only one came back…
When we are angry, the thinking part of our brain gets turned off. We are, therefore, not rational. We can be destructive. That’s why the Bible tells us to get…
Why is there so much mess in our relationships? Instead of getting life from God, we are trying to suck out life from one another, and it is not working.…


October 26, 2014
Many of us live a life with an undercurrent of desperation arising out of financial, relational, physical, or emotional issues. But, there is hope in Jesus Christ. When the bleeding…
When someone offends us, we have a tendency to fight or take flight. We either just avoid them or we attack them. These ways of dealing with relational conflicts are…
There will be no video or audio this week. The homework for this weeks sermon can be downloaded here. Check out our sermon archive to review past sermons if you like.
At the Festival of Tabernacles, Jesus heard and saw the Israelites displaying their soul’s thirst for the unconditional love of God.  The prayers, ceremonies and scriptures used during the feast…
Jesus had many disciples, people who followed him for many reasons. But, at one point, they could not accept what Jesus was saying. They stopped following Jesus and left. They…
Fear! We all deal with it, but there are times when life happens and we become completely overwhelmed by our circumstances. Or we become paralyzed with the thought of God’s…
This passage is about food. Jesus fed 5000 men and unaccounted number of women and children. But, this passage is more than about physical food. It is also about spiritual…
When Jesus was accused of making himself equal to God, Jesus didn’t back down.  In fact, he claimed to be God’s unique Son, self-existent without being created, who deserved to…
The story of the healing of the royal official’s son is a sign and miracle that guides us to life- giving faith. Kevin discussed five things that this passage teaches…
Two Sundays ago, Kevin shared a message entitled, Embracing The Others. The story of the Samaritan woman shows that Jesus broke down all kinds of barriers—racial, religious, gender, political, and…